kid by 3.1 phillip lim

wadae adsen

as a little side project I helped in doing some copywriting for the new 3.1 phillip lim e-Commerce site. with this extra-curricular activity, I was sent box-fulls of yet-to-be-seen garb, in shrunken form. that is, kid by 3.1 phillip lim - the wardrobe of which my imaginary future daughter will have within her impeccable mini wardrobe. I mean, what five-year-old girl doesn't need a studded leather jacket and mini pashli satchel? necessities, people.

I love that just about every piece in this kid collection was seen on the runway on its adult woman counterparts and I couldn't help but awww to myself about a gazillion times throughout my writing process. no shame about that! except might I mention the part when I almost got stuck in the denim vest? maybe i'll keep that to myself.

p.s. a little saddening news though, a bird from nyc told me that this collection will be the last for the kiddies of lim, so for all you future and present parents, I advise you to stock up oh how convenient online shopping can be. wadae adsen

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